Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Scooter Ride in New Orleans French Quarter

 I discovered after 4 years that I had placed a video on YouTube of me riding my scooter in the French Quarter. I totally forgot I did it and that I saved it. I had a camera on my scooter a while but lost the videos when a computer crashed. Somehow this survived by being on YouTube.

 It isn't edited just raw footage.

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Speaking of Pardons

  Lots in the news about pardons and yes I have one too. The good state of Louisiana gives automatic pardons to first offenders. It was easier to go along with this fake conviction than fight it, too expensive. Then  immediately get a full pardon. However as with all things like this, no where is the pardon displayed or publicly disclosed. So here it is and here it is made public so all those places that list the conviction will know it was fully pardoned. It can also be fully erased but that takes time, money, and lawyers. A lot of money to erase something that was fully pardoned.

Full Pardon

#Pardon #Jerry Schwehm